Introduction to the Training Manual

This training program is intended to equip trainers with the basic framework and content for delivery
of training to the beneficiaries.To effectively transfer knowledge and skills to people with limited or no
education the concepts below have to be highly simplified.This content development further assumes
that most of the participants will be engaged in various points of the agricultural value chain and/or
provide support to the sector.
Overall Program Goal:
Empower rural farmers with the skills and confidence to improve their business operations, improve
their livelihoods, and achieve greater success in the agricultural value chain.
Target trainees
The progam targets Refugee hosting communities of Isingiro and Kiryandongo.The target participants
will include established group leaders, and group members

The program covers fine modules that include;
Module 1: Institutional Development
Module 2: Entrepreneurial mindset
Module 3: Financial Literacy
Module 4: Market strategies and linkages
Module 5: Agro-asset creation and management